SOOS 2024
Soos - Mexico City, Mexico.
Mexico City is home to a thriving dance scene, and Soos is committed to keeping it interesting. Young in years, but not in taste, Soos wields a deep bag of deeper cuts, steering far away from obvious choices. We’re delighted to bring you their globally eclectic selection of down-tempo tracks from the 90s and early 2000's.

Where would you say you grew up?
I live and grew up in Mexico City ;)
What inspired you to get into your most current style of dance music?
I think there's so much good music to only focus on one particular style or genre – but since the pandemic I've been particularly enjoying anything within the slower forms of music - from hip hop to reggaeton, 90s downtempo, funky swingy stuff!
What are your most memorable parties or clubs you have DJed at?
My favorite party or club will most likely be Sunday Sunday here in Mexico City. Being a resident and seeing it grow throughout the years has also shaped me as an artist.
What are you currently working on (music, events, upcoming gigs) that you are excited about?
Currently working a remix for my friend Rubinskee – he's been an inspiration since I was young and it's a dream to be able to mess around with his work. Also starting to record a new record - taking my time but it's getting there. Have a European tour in the works for June - that's always exciting as well.
What goes on when not making music or DJing / do you have a day job?
I usually stay as much as I can home - cooking and looking for music hehe. Apart from the DJing/music making thing I also help out with some bookings for local clubs and parties. Can't complain.
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SOOS 2024
CHIDA 2024